Karitane Owned and Operated
We are a local family business, operated by Danny King. We came up with the name because the guys at work called me “ Firewood King “ so that was it, “ Firewood King Ltd.” We have been doing firewood for the best of 25yrs plus.
I love meeting so many lovely people and stopping and having a chat spinning a yarn. The bay is a lovely area, and great views to be seen. Our world turned upside down when COVID-19 hit. Life as we knew it came grinding to a halt. Level 4 & 3 were tough times keeping up with the demands. And the impact of it will be felt for a long time yet. But not all of the impact has been bad. For many it has shown how strong we are as communities. And more than ever, it has pushed for a shift to #supportlocal. As my way of supporting my own community bubble, I reached out to local businesses to see how the COVID Lockdown has impacted them.
And in the process I discovered so many amazing people, with some fantastic businesses, all right here in our backyard.